Hello world! I have been spending a lot of time in NYC over the last few months and have been doing some soul searching!  I have been so fortunate to be amongst respected musicians, Producers and other artists.  Among these artists I've been blessed to be in the company of the great trumpet player Wynton Marsalis, piano player Jon Batiste, pedal steel player and singer Robert Randolph, producer Elite, guitarist Hanan Rubinstein, and many more! I am being pulled towards NY very strongly right now and though I love Charleston (click!!) very very much I think I need to go for a while and spread my wings.  I feel scared and inspired ...and a little broke... but I know it will all be worth it.  I have so much to give and NY is a huge city of opportunity.  Please keep in touch as I plan to Blog much more! 

Much Love and Music always,
